Red Seal Blackstrap Molasses


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Product Description

Blackstrap molasses is the natural raw product left after cane sugar crushing.  It is the final stage of sugar extraction of the cane, therefore, molasses is full of essential minerals, vitamins & trace elements, and can be used as an alternative to honey or golden syrup in baking and beverages. It may also be mixed with warm water or milk, and used as a health drink. It can be eaten directly from the spoon.  Molasses can have a mildly laxative effect.

One tablespoon of molasses contains 3 milligrams of iron, and over 100 milligrams of calcium. It is also rich in copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin E, and the B vitamins, especially pantothenic acid and inositol.

Ingredients:  Molasses

ISBN: 9415991230175   SKU: 425980